Hi, folks! Thank you for reading this. This post is dedicated to someone who's always hacked. So, today I'm giving tips for more secured passwords.

Is your password secured enough? Are you sure that someone can't hack you? Read my 9 tips of making a secured password to avoid being hacked. After reading my tips, You'll realize that your password is not strong enough.

9 Tips in making a secured password:

 • Your password should have at least 10 characters.
 • Your password should contain both UPPER and lower case.
 • Your password should contain numbers.
 • Your password should contain special characters like @,$,%, etc.
 • Change your password every 6 months, like your toothbrush.
 • Never use your birth date as your password.
 • Never use words that can be seen in the dictionary. Be Unique.
 • Never use your crush's / lover's name, your pet, your contact number, family member's, etc.
 • Lastly, never use your name / nickname combined with your favorite number

For example:
My name is John Smith. You can call me "Smithy".  I am 32 years old. My birth date is April 21, 1980. I work in a Gun Shop as an online seller. Anne is the name of my lover. I have a pet dog named Woof-Woof. Yesterday, when I tried to open my mail account, it says "You changed your password yesterday at 4:00 A.M". I never changed my password. My password is johnsmith21.

Question: How did he get hacked?
Answer: He used his name and his birthday together in his password. Like what I've stated in my tips, "Never use your name / nickname combined with your favorite number".

These are the possible passwords that can be hacked from him easily:

Just follow my 9 Tips in making a secured password to avoid of getting hacked by a-holes. Thanks for reading again!